April 22 is Earth Day! Celebrate our beautiful planet. Earth Day is one of the worlds biggest environmental movements to protect our air, land and water, while working to reduce waste.

Here are a few small tasks you can practice every day to help our environment:

  1. Reduce, reuse, recycle. Cut down what you throw away!
  2. Plant a garden or plant a tree! Make sure you do your research and plant native species.
  3. Strat a composting bin in your backyard.
  4. Ride your bike or walk instead of driving your vehicle.
  5. Turn off the lights & use energy efficient light bulbs.
  6. Pick up litter.
  7. Bring reusable bags while shopping to cut down on single use plastics.
  8. Conserve water. When you reduce water use, you are protecting our lakes and rivers.
  9. Choose reusable over single use. (Example – reusable water bottle or mug)
  10. Shop second hand. Instead of buying new clothing, check out the thrift store first!
  11. Educate yourself. Do your research and find ways to help the environment. The more you know can help others understand the importance and value of our beautiful earth & what we need to do to protect it.