Self-care, aka taking some “me” time, is one of those things we rarely do.  It is so important to make sure you take care of your body, mind and soul…and take little time for you when you need it.   It may take a little practice, but once you do…you’ll find more and more time for YOU!   Wanna give it a go?  Try our Self-Care Challenge with 16 simple ways to take time for yourself!

  1. Try a 5min meditation
  2. Set a mini goal
  3. Read a book
  4. Have a phone FREE night
  5. Go to bed 30 mins earlier
  6. Drink only water today
  7. Cross an item off your “TO-DO” list
  8. Go for a walk
  9. Hand write a letter to someone
  10. Say NO to something
  11. Wear your fav outfit all day
  12. Facetime with Family
  13. De-clutter your closet
  14. Disconnect from social media for a day
  15. Bake some cookies
  16. Start a journal or blog