
I’m a proud graduate of the University of Waterloo. I’m not so sure the school is as proud of me most days as I am of it but, well, the school is kind of stuck with me. And never have I been more proud than after reading this story about the Sigma Chi fraternity.

The young men in this fraternity have created a public service announcement called ‘Break the Silence,’ which encourages men to speak up when they see women being treated in an unacceptable manner. Take 90 seconds and have a look at the video here. These students deserve a ton of credit for their courage and example.

I don’t mean to get all preachy but this stuff is important. We all have a role to play and I think the role of men is critical. We’re most often the offenders and I think we have a lot of power when it comes to being vocal and demonstrative about what is acceptable and what isn’t. End of sermon. 🙂

If you’re so inclined, check out Voices Carry. Lots of great information there, and ways you might be able to get involved in some action to bring an end to sexual abuse and sexual violence.